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It is usually let at below market rents, either‘social rents’ or ‘affordable rents’. Devon Home Choiceallows you to apply online to access all social housing, which includes housing associations and local authorities across Devon. There are no council homes available in Torbay but social housing is offered by various housing associations such as Sanctuary Housing and Westward Housing. We are keen to get your views on the Devon Home Choice website, application form, how homes are advertised, property alerts and bidding for properties. If you do not have a registered email address on Devon Home Choice please complete the required fields below.

It includes all 11,500 registered care homes in the UK that cater exclusively or primarily for older people. There is no charge whatsoever to appear in it, and we welcome a photo and descriptive text to enhance the presentation of your home. This site offers providers of services, accommodation and related advice a free opportunity to advertise what you do. The site’s 4 million visitors a year comprise roughly 45% older people, 45% younger family and relatives, and 10% professionals who work with older people. Just be aware that we do not provide housing or care services ourselves, so we cannot accept applications for housing and do not have any control over the services listed on our site. With a few exceptions, accommodation in a care home cannot be bought or rented like retirement housing.
Phone numbers
These services tackle smaller repair jobs, including installing safety & security devices. They are provided by many local Age UKs as well as other organisations. The easiest way to register with Devon Home Choice is bycompleting the online application form.
I never never knew you guys treat new customers like this, how can you cancel what I ordered without giving me at least 1hour to send what needed, lady was very rude and I think she did this because im black. If you are living in an unsuitable home you may be able to gain priority on the Devon Home Choice scheme. As demand far outweighs supply, the possibility of securing social housing in Exeter may be unlikely unless you have a high need. If you are already a housing association tenant and want to consider swapping with another tenant you can use the mutual exchange schemes HomeSwapperand House Exchange.
Torridge District Council
You can also view and bid for homes and check the progress of your previous bids using the new Devon Home Choice App. The quickest and easiest way to apply for affordable housing is online. If you are interested in ‘extra care’ housing, which caters for frailer older people, then your care needs will also be assessed. Visit the Devon Homechoice website to register, search and bid for properties.
Our HousingCare PLUS and PREMIUM subscription services offer additional branding, links to your own site, ‘vacancy / availability ads’ and much more. Buying a ‘home for life plan’, or ‘lifetime lease’, gives you the right to live in a property until you die or move to a care home. This might enable you to live somewhere you couldn’t otherwise afford. If you have a home to sell, you may be able to use the proceeds to pay the deposit on a new property and take out a ‘lifetime mortgage’ to cover the rest of the cost. A move may provide a whole new lease of life, but a wrong choice can be difficult to undo.
Blankets query
In some areas not all sheltered or retirement accommodation is let through choice-based lettings. Some housing associations are able to let a proportion of their properties outside of the system. EAC’s website carries advertisements for many of these, and provides details of how to apply direct to the landlords concerned. Most rented housing that is designed for older people is provided by local councils or housing associations.

Organised activities will focus on helping residents maintain their health and wellbeing. Most retirement developments offer either properties for sale or for rent, but newer ones may offer both tenure options, and possibly shared ownership too. If you are at the top of the list you will normally be invited to view the home unless the landlord discovers reasons why you shouldn't be offered the home. For example, if you have rent arrears or have been guilty of anti-social behaviour.
View available housing
Arranging performances may be difficult right now, and we’ve recognised that by making a Directory entry completely FREE for all new acts who sign-up this year. Getting older can make it more difficult to get around and do the things you used to do, or would like to do. If affording work to your home is an issue, Age UK’s factsheet Home improvements and repairs is a good read, as is OneFamily’s webpage How to fund home improvements. Our site offers information and guidance that we hope will be of help to you.

You can only bid for homes where you match what the advert asks for. For example, if the advert states the home has 1 bedroom, you will not be able to bid for it if you need more than 1 bedroom. This will be based on our assessment of your housing need, and whether or not you have a local connection to Devon.
For example, if you only need 2 bedrooms you will not usually be able to bid for 3 or 4 bedroom homes. If you are not able to deliver its better for me to cancel the order and have the money reimbursed into my account. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Please remove from your data base, this my number it has been for the last 5yrs. People keep on trying to get hold of a ms Tina Shiona and this is not her number, and im getting annoyed about this. I have phoned Homechoice before to request that my number be removed but i still get phone calls.
Devon Home Choice is a way of looking for council and housing association homes. Choose homes the right home for you or move to another location in Devon. Full details on how Devon Home Choice works can be found on the Devon Home Choicewebsite. If you need help in completing your registration or with re-registering or other problems complete the online form below. Once you have registered and are able to bid you can then search to see what properties are available.
Care homes are regulated by independent Inspectorates in each country of the UK, subject to periodic inspections and awarded quality grades. Inspectorate reports and grades are accessible from the care home pages on this website. As with hotels, the cost of living in a care home varies widely according to its location, the size of your room or suite, and the facilities on offer. There is often a substantial difference between fees charged to those who can afford the costs themselves and those who receive help from their Local Authority. A majority of homes aim to cater for both, but some target only one or the other.
Those run by private operators more often focus on lifestyle, with help and care services discretely available to buy if or when required. Daily help, including personal care, is available on site and one or more meals are available daily in a dining room or restaurant. Additional facilities are also common – for example hairdressing salons, hobby rooms and gyms.
Contacts details
We have recently been able to open EAC Advice, a new 'housing options' advice service for older people. If HOOP doesn't provide all the information you need, submit your HOOP session to us to arrange a conversation with an EAC Advisor. EAC Advice is a free, specialist and independent telephone advice service provide by the charity Elderly Accommodation Counsel . We frame our offer around ‘home’ because we understand its importance for everyone. Care services offered to people in housing-with-care facilities are regulated, subject to periodic inspections and awarded grades.
If you plan to join the register you will have to be assessed as being in housing need as well as having a local connection. There is a very high demand for social housing and comparatively very few homes become available. Therefore many people are on the list for a very long time without being made an offer of a home. So this option should not be relied upon solely to solve your housing situation, particularly if you think you need rehousing quickly or are homeless now.
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